Saturday, August 31, 2013

Commitment Issues

Indecisiveness doesn't even begin to describe the level of incompetence I seem to display when committing to any particular decision, but I am happy to announce that, after much deliberation, I have taken the first step into tegu ownership!

Today, I placed an order through Johnny LaRocca, from TeguTerra, for an Argentine Black and White tegu hatchling (CBB). Johnny came to me highly recommended from other tegu owners, and his communication and customer service did not disappoint. My darling tegu is expected to ship out on Tuesday, September 3rd, and arrive by 10:30 AM (CST) Wednesday, September 4th.

For those wondering, "what is this creature you call a tegu," a tegu is a considerably-sized lizard, natively found in multiple countries of South America, namely Argentina, Brazil, and Columbia. Genus: Tupinambis. Tegus are capable of reaching a length of approximately 1.2 meters (~ 4 feet) and a weight of 7 kgs (~15 lbs). Listed below are a few websites dedicated to tegu education as well as a few recommended breeders:

TheTegu Forum - my personal favorite, filled with a friendly atmosphere and helpful folk
TeguTalk Forum
Tegu Terra Care Sheet

Tegu Terra
Ty's Lizards
Captive Bred Creations

WARNING! Do NOT purchase a tegu from Vanyard Herps (Bobby Hill). Though he was previously a reliable breeder, there have been numerous people scammed by Varnyard who, still, have yet to be compensated. Please read these "Bad Guy" links for more information:

BOI: June 2012 Varnyard
BOI: July 2012 Varnyard
BOI: October 2012 Varnyard

*It has been noted that he is still attempting to take deposits and sell tegus for 2013*

I have found that many informational websites (excluding forums) provide objective information (species origin, taxonomy, diet, etc.) without delivering idiosyncratic experiences regarding life with a particular animal. It it my goal to offer a little bit of both.

In this blog I will primarily be addressing Argentine tegus. My hope is to chronicle the progression of this newly found relationship between my tegu and myself, as well as the growth and development she undergoes as time passes. 

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